T.H. Shevchenko National University "Chernihiv Collegium" |
ua |
Tabesh University |
af |
Tabor College |
us |
Tabriz Islamic Art University |
ir |
Tabriz University of Medical Sciences |
ir |
Tafila Technical University |
jo |
Tafresh University |
ir |
Tai Solarin University of Education |
ng |
Taibah University |
sa |
Taideyliopisto |
fi |
Taif University |
sa |
Tainan National University of the Arts |
tw |
Tainan University of Technology |
tw |
Taipei City University of Science and Technology |
tw |
Taipei Medical University |
tw |
Taipei National University of the Arts |
tw |
Taipei University of Maritime Technology |
tw |
Taisei Gakuin University |
jp |
Taishan University |
cn |
Taisho University |
jp |
Taita Taveta University |
ke |
Taiwan Shoufu University |
tw |
Taiyuan Institute of Technology |
cn |
Taiyuan Normal University |
cn |
Taiyuan University |
cn |
Taiyuan University of Science and Technology |
cn |
Taiyuan University of Technology |
cn |
Taiz University |
ye |
TaiZhou University |
cn |
Taizhou University |
cn |
Taj Institute of Higher Education |
af |
Tajen University |
tw |
Tajik Agrarian University |
tj |
Tajik Institute of Languages |
tj |
Tajik Institute of Physical Education |
tj |
Tajik National Conservatory |
tj |
Tajik National University |
tj |
Tajik State Medical University |
tj |
Tajik State Pedagogical University |
tj |
Tajik State University of Commerce |
tj |
Tajik Technical University |
tj |
Tajikistan State Institute of Art |
tj |
Tajikistan State University of Law, Business and Politics |
tj |
Takachiho University |
jp |
Takamatsu University |
jp |
Takaoka University of Law |
jp |
Takarazuka University |
jp |
Takarazuka University of Medical and Health Care |
jp |
Takasaki City University of Economics |
jp |
Takasaki University of Commerce |
jp |
Takasaki University of Health and Welfare |
jp |
Takhar University |
af |
Takming University of Science and Technology |
tw |
Takoradi Technical University |
gh |
Takushoku University |
jp |
Talas State University |
kg |
Talladega College |
us |
Tallinna Tehnikakõrgkool |
ee |
Tallinna Tehnikaülikool |
ee |
Tallinna Tervishoiu Kõrgkool |
ee |
Tallinna Ülikool |
ee |
Tama Art University |
jp |
Tama University |
jp |
Tamagawa University |
jp |
Tamale Technical University |
gh |
Tambov State Musical-Pedagogical Institute named after S.V. Rachmaninov |
ru |
Tambov State Technical University |
ru |
Tambov State University |
ru |
Tamil Nadu Agricultural University |
in |
Tamil Nadu Dr Ambedkar Law University |
in |
Tamil Nadu Dr. J. Jayalalithaa Fisheries University |
in |
Tamil Nadu Dr. M.G.R.Medical University |
in |
Tamil Nadu Dr.J Jayalalithaa Music and Fine Arts University |
in |
Tamil Nadu National Law University |
in |
Tamil Nadu Physical Education and Sports University |
in |
Tamil Nadu Teacher Education University |
in |
Tamil Nadu Veterinary and Animal Sciences University |
in |
Tamil University |
in |
Tamkang University |
tw |
Tampereen yliopisto |
fi |
Tangshan College |
cn |
Tangshan Normal University |
cn |
Tansian University |
ng |
Tanta University |
eg |
Tantia University |
in |
Tapee University |
th |
Taraba State University |
ng |
Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv |
ua |
Taraz Innovative-Humanitarian University |
kz |
Tarbiat Modares University |
ir |
Tarim University |
cn |
Tarlac Agricultural University |
ph |
Tarlac State University |
ph |
Tarleton State University |
us |
Tarptautine teises ir verslo auktoji mokykla |
lt |
Tartu Tervishoiu Kõrgkool |
ee |
Tartu Ülikool |
ee |
Tata Institute of Fundamental Research |
in |
Tata Institute of Social Sciences |
in |
Tatung Institute of Commerce and Technology |
tw |
Tatung University |
tw |
Taunggyi University |
mm |
Taungoo University |
mm |
Tavria State Agrotechnological University |
ua |
Tay Bac University |
vn |
Taylor University |
us |
Taylor's University |
my |
Tbel Abuserisdze Teaching University of Georgian Patriarchate |
ge |
Tbilisi Humanitarian Teaching University |
ge |
Tbilisi State Academy of Arts |
ge |
Tbilisi State Medical University |
ge |
Tchaikovsky State Academy of Physical Culture and Sports |
ru |
Teaching University Geomedi |
ge |
Team University |
ug |
TeamLease Skills University |
in |
Tech University of Korea |
kr |
Technical and Vocational University |
ir |
Technical University - Varna |
bg |
Technical University of Crete |
gr |
Technical University of Gabrovo |
bg |
Technical University of Kenya |
ke |
Technical University of Mombasa |
ke |
Technical University of Sofia |
bg |
Technická univerzita v Koiciach |
sk |
Technická Univerzita v Liberci |
cz |
Technická univerzita vo Zvolene |
sk |
Technion - Israel Institute of Technology |
il |
Technische Hochschule Augsburg |
de |
Technische Hochschule Brandenburg |
de |
Technische Hochschule Deggendorf |
de |
Technische Hochschule Georg Agricola |
de |
Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt |
de |
Technische Hochschule Köln |
de |
Technische Hochschule Lübeck |
de |
Technische Hochschule Mittelhessen |
de |
Technische Hochschule Nürnberg Georg Simon Ohm |
de |
Technische Hochschule Ostwestfalen-Lippe |
de |
Technische Hochschule Ulm |
de |
Technische Hochschule Wildau |
de |
Technische Hochschule Würzburg-Schweinfurt |
de |
Technische Universität Bergakademie Freiberg |
de |
Technische Universität Berlin |
de |
Technische Universität Braunschweig |
de |
Technische Universität Chemnitz |
de |
Technische Universität Clausthal |
de |
Technische Universität Darmstadt |
de |
Technische Universität Dortmund |
de |
Technische Universität Dresden |
de |
Technische Universität Graz |
at |
Technische Universität Hamburg |
de |
Technische Universität Ilmenau |
de |
Technische Universität München |
de |
Technische Universität Wien |
at |
Technische Universiteit Delft |
nl |
Technische Universiteit Eindhoven |
nl |
Technischen Hochschule Bingen |
de |
Techno India University |
in |
Technological Institute of the Philippines |
ph |
Technological University Dublin |
ie |
Technological University of Tajikistan |
tj |
Technological University of the Philippines |
ph |
Technological University of the Shannon |
ie |
Technological University, Banmaw |
mm |
Technological University, Dawei |
mm |
Technological University, Hinthada |
mm |
Technological University, Hmawbi |
mm |
Technological University, Hpaan |
mm |
Technological University, Kalay |
mm |
Technological University, Kyaing Tong |
mm |
Technological University, Lashio |
mm |
Technological University, Loikaw |
mm |
Technological University, Magway |
mm |
Technological University, Mandalay |
mm |
Technological University, Maubin |
mm |
Technological University, Mawlamyine |
mm |
Technological University, Meikhtila |
mm |
Technological University, Monywa |
mm |
Technological University, Myeik |
mm |
Technological University, Myitkyina |
mm |
Technological University, Pakokku |
mm |
Technological University, Panglong |
mm |
Technological University, Pathein |
mm |
Technological University, Sagaing |
mm |
Technological University, Sittwe |
mm |
Technological University, Taunggyi |
mm |
Technological University, Taungoo |
mm |
Technological University, Yamethin |
mm |
TecNM Campus Altiplano de Tlaxcala |
mx |
TecNM Campus Comitán |
mx |
TecNM campus Oaxaca |
mx |
TecNM Campus Zitácuaro |
mx |
Tecnológico de Antioquia |
co |
Tecnológico de Monterrey |
mx |
Ted Üniversitesi |
tr |
Teerthanker Mahaveer University |
in |
Teesside University |
gb |
Tehnicko veleucilite u Zagrebu |
hr |
Tehran University of Medical Sciences |
ir |
Teikyo Heisei University |
jp |
Teikyo University |
jp |
Teikyo University of Science |
jp |
Tekirdag Namik Kemal Üniversitesi |
tr |
Tel Aviv University |
il |
Telangana University |
in |
Télécom Paris |
fr |
Télécom SudParis |
fr |
Tel-Hai Academic College |
il |
Temple University |
us |
Tenger Institute |
mn |
Tennessee State University |
us |
Tennessee Tech University |
us |
Tennessee Wesleyan University |
us |
Tenri University |
jp |
Tenshi College |
jp |
Teofilo Kisanji University |
tz |
TERI School of Advanced Studies |
in |
Termiz Davlat Universiteti |
uz |
Ternopil National Technical University |
ua |
Ternopil Volodymyr Hnatiuk National Pedagogical University |
ua |
Texas A&M International University |
us |
Texas A&M University |
us |
Texas A&M University at Galveston |
us |
Texas A&M University at Qatar |
qa |
Texas A&M University-Commerce |
us |
Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi |
us |
Texas A&M University-Kingsville |
us |
Texas A&M University-San Antonio |
us |
Texas A&M University-Texarkana |
us |
Texas Christian University |
us |
Texas College |
us |
Texas Lutheran University |
us |
Texas Southern University |
us |
Texas State University |
us |
Texas Tech University |
us |
Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center |
us |
Texas Wesleyan University |
us |
Texas Woman's University |
us |
Texila American University Zambia |
zm |
Texila American University, Guyana |
gy |
Textile Institute of Pakistan |
pk |
Tezpur University |
in |
Tezukayama Gakuin University |
jp |
Tezukayama University |
jp |
Thai Binh University of Medicine and Pharmacy |
vn |
Thai Nguyen University |
vn |
Thaksin University |
th |
Thamar University |
ye |
Thammasat University |
th |
Thanlyin Technological University |
mm |
Thapar Institute of Engineering and Technology |
in |
The Academic College of Law and Science |
il |
The Academic College of Tel-Aviv-Yaffo |
il |
The Academy of Management |
mn |
The American College of Financial Services |
us |
The American College of Greece |
gr |
The American College of Thessaloniki |
gr |
The American University in Cairo |
eg |
The American University of Afghanistan |
af |
The American University of Iraq, Sulaimani |
iq |
The American University of Kurdistan |
iq |
The American University of Paris |
fr |
The Arab Academy for Management, Banking and Financial Sciences |
eg |
The Bonch-Bruevich St. Petersburg State University of Telecommunications |
ru |
The British University in Dubai |
ae |
The British University in Egypt |
eg |
The Catholic University of America |
us |
The Catholic University of Eastern Africa |
ke |
The Catholic University of Korea |
kr |
The Catholic University of Malawi |
mw |
The Catholic University of South Sudan |
ss |
The Central Academy of Drama |
cn |
The Chicago School of Professional Psychology |
us |
The Chinese University of Hong Kong |
hk |
The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen |
cn |
The Citadel, The Military College of South Carolina |
us |
The City College of New York |
us |
The College of Idaho |
us |
The College of Management - Academic Studies |
il |
The College of New Jersey |
us |
The College of Saint Rose |
us |
The College of St. Scholastica |
us |
The College of Westchester |
us |
The College of Wooster |
us |
The Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art |
us |
The Co-operative University of Kenya |
ke |
The Copperbelt University |
zm |
The Courtauld Institute of Art, University of London |
gb |
The CTL Eurocollege |
cy |
The Culinary Institute of America |
us |
The Cyprus Institute |
cy |
The Cyprus Institute of Neurology and Genetics |
cy |
The East African University |
ke |
The Eastern University of Management and Technology |
th |
The Education University of Hong Kong |
hk |
The Emirates Academy of Hospitality Management |
ae |
The English and Foreign Languages University |
in |
The European Graduate School |
mt |
The Evergreen State College |
us |
The Far Eastern University |
th |
The Future University |
sd |
The German University in Cairo |
eg |
The Glasgow School of Art |
gb |
The Government Sadiq College Women University |
pk |
The Graduate Center, CUNY |
us |
The Graduate School for the Creation of New Photonics Industries |
jp |
The Graduate University for Advanced Studies, SOKENDAI |
jp |
The Hashemite University |
jo |
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University |
hk |
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology |
hk |
The IIS University |
in |
The Ikh Zasag University |
mn |
The Indian Law Institute |
in |
The Institute of International Studies |
mn |
The Institute of Management Sciences |
pk |
The Institute of Telecommunications and Informatics of Turkmenistan |
tm |
The Institute of World Politics |
us |
The International University of Kagoshima |
jp |
The International University of Management |
na |
The International University of Scholars |
bd |
The Islamia University of Bahawalpur |
pk |
The Japanese Red Cross Kyushu International College of Nursing |
jp |
The Jerusalem Academy of Music and Dance |
il |
The Jikei University School of Medicine |
jp |
The Juilliard School |
us |
The King's College |
us |
The King's University |
ca |
The King's University |
us |
The Limassol College |
cy |
The Liverpool Institute for Performing Arts |
gb |
The LNM Institute of Information Technology |
in |
The London Institute of Banking and Finance |
gb |
The London School of Economics and Political Science |
gb |
The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda |
in |
The Maldives National University |
mv |
The Master's University |
us |
The Millenium University |
bd |
The National Academy of Chinese Theatre Arts |
cn |
The National University of Advanced Legal Studies |
in |
The Neotia University |
in |
The New School |
us |
The Nippon Dental University |
jp |
The Northcap University |
in |
The Ohio State University |
us |
The People's University of Bangladesh |
bd |
The Philippine Women's University |
ph |
The Philips College |
cy |
The Presbyterian University of East Africa |
ke |
The Regional Social and Innovation University |
kz |
The Rockefeller University |
us |
The Rostov State Conservatoire |
ru |
The Royal Academy of Music, University of London |
gb |
The Royal Agricultural University |
gb |
The Royal Central School of Speech and Drama |
gb |
The Royal Veterinary College University of London |
gb |
The Sage Colleges |
us |
The Sanskrit College and University |
in |
The School of Architecture |
us |
The State University of Management |
ru |
The State University of New York at Potsdam |
us |
The State University of Zanzibar |
tz |
The Technical University |
ng |
The United Church of Zambia University |
zm |
The University of Adelaide |
au |
The University of Agriculture, Peshawar |
pk |
The University of Aizu |
jp |
The University of Alabama |
us |
The University of Alabama in Huntsville |
us |
The University of Arizona |
us |
The University of Arusha |
tz |
The University of Barotseland |
zm |
The University of British Columbia |
ca |
The University of Buckingham |
gb |
The University of Cambodia |
kh |
The University of Central Thailand |
th |
The University of Da nang |
vn |
The University of Dodoma |
tz |
The University of Duhok |
iq |
The University of Electro-Communications |
jp |
The University of Faisalabad |
pk |
The University of Fiji |
fj |
The University of Fukuchiyama |
jp |
The University of Georgia |
ge |
The University of Guilan |
ir |
The University of Hong Kong |
hk |
The University of Kitakyushu |
jp |
The University of Lahore |
pk |
The University of Law |
gb |
The University of Maine |
us |
The University of Manila |
ph |
The University of Medicine and Pharmacy at Ho Chi Minh City |
vn |
The University of Melbourne |
au |
The University of Memphis |
us |
The University of Montana Western |
us |
The University of Mustansiriyah |
iq |
The University of Nagano |
jp |
The University of Newcastle |
au |
The University of Nizwa |
om |
The University of Northampton |
gb |
The University of Notre Dame Australia |
au |
The University of Nottingham Ningbo, China |
cn |
The University of Oklahoma |
us |
The University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center |
us |
The University of Olivet |
us |
The University of Queensland |
au |
The University of Shiga Prefecture |
jp |
The University of Shimane |
jp |
The University of Suwon |
kr |
The University of Sydney |
au |
The University of Tampa |
us |
The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga |
us |
The University of Tennessee at Martin |
us |
The University of Tennessee Health Science Center |
us |
The University of Tennessee Southern |
us |
The University of Tennessee, Knoxville |
us |
The University of Texas at Arlington |
us |
The University of Texas at Austin |
us |
The University of Texas at Dallas |
us |
The University of Texas at El Paso |
us |
The University of Texas at San Antonio |
us |
The University of Texas at Tyler |
us |
The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston |
us |
The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio |
us |
The University of Texas Health Science Center at Tyler |
us |
The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center |
us |
The University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston |
us |
The University of Texas Permian Basin |
us |
The University of the Arts |
us |
The University of the South Pacific |
fj |
The University of the West Indies, Cave Hill Campus |
bb |
The University of the West Indies, Mona |
jm |
The University of the West Indies, St. Augustine |
tt |
The University of Tokyo |
jp |
The University of Trinidad and Tobago |
tt |
The University of Tulsa |
us |
The University of Utah |
us |
The University of Virginia's College at Wise |
us |
The University of West Alabama |
us |
The University of West Los Angeles |
us |
The University of Western Australia |
au |
The University of Winnipeg |
ca |
The University of York |
gb |
The West Bengal National University of Juridical Sciences |
in |
The Women University Multan |
pk |
The World Islamic Sciences and Education University |
jo |
The Wright Institute |
us |
The Zambia Catholic University |
zm |
Theologische Hochschule Friedensau |
de |
Theologische Hochschule Reutlingen |
de |
Thepsatri Rajabhat University |
th |
Thiel College |
us |
Thiruvalluvar University |
in |
Thomas Aquinas College |
us |
Thomas College |
us |
Thomas Edison State University |
us |
Thomas Jefferson School of Law |
us |
Thomas Jefferson University |
us |
Thomas More College of Liberal Arts |
us |
Thomas More Hogeschool |
be |
Thomas More University |
us |
Thomas University |
us |
Thompson Rivers University |
ca |
Thonburi University |
th |
Thunchath Ezhuthachan Malayalam University |
in |
Thuongmai University |
vn |
Thuyloi University |
vn |
Tiangong University |
cn |
Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts |
cn |
Tianjin Agricultural University |
cn |
Tianjin Chengjian University |
cn |
Tianjin Conservatory of Music |
cn |
Tianjin Foreign Studies University |
cn |
Tianjin Medical University |
cn |
Tianjin Normal University |
cn |
Tianjin Tianshi College |
cn |
Tianjin University |
cn |
Tianjin University of Commerce |
cn |
Tianjin University of Finance and Economics |
cn |
Tianjin University of Science and Technology |
cn |
Tianjin University of Sport |
cn |
Tianjin University of Technology |
cn |
Tianjin University of Technology and Education |
cn |
Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine |
cn |
Tianjin Zhongde University of Applied Sciences |
cn |
Tianshui Normal University |
cn |
TIAS School for Business and Society |
nl |
Tibet University |
cn |
Tibetan Traditional Medical College |
cn |
Tierärztliche Hochschule Hannover |
de |
Tiffin University |
us |
Tilak Maharashtra Vidyapeeth |
in |
Tilburg University |
nl |
Tilka Manjhi Bhagalpur University |
in |
TIME Université |
tn |
Times University of Bangladesh |
bd |
Tirana Business University College |
al |
Tishk International University |
iq |
Tishreen University |
sy |
Tobago Hospitality and Tourism Institute |
tt |
TOBB Ekonomi ve Teknoloji Üniversitesi |
tr |
Tobruk University |
ly |
Toccoa Falls College |
us |
Togliatti State University |
ru |
Toho College of Music |
jp |
Toho Gakuen School of Music |
jp |
Toho University |
jp |
Tohoku Bunka Gakuen University |
jp |
Tohoku Bunkyo College |
jp |
Tohoku Fukushi University |
jp |
Tohoku Gakuin University |
jp |
Tohoku Institute of Technology |
jp |
Tohoku Medical and Pharmaceutical University |
jp |
Tohoku Seikatsu Bunka University |
jp |
Tohoku University |
jp |
Tohoku University of Art and Design |
jp |
Tohoku University of Community Service and Science |
jp |
Tohto University |
jp |
Toin University of Yokohama |
jp |
Tokai Gakuen University |
jp |
Tokai Gakuin University |
jp |
Tokai University |
jp |
Tokat Gaziosmanpasa Üniversitesi |
tr |
Tokiwa University |
jp |
Tokiwakai Gakuen University |
jp |
Toko University |
tw |
Tokoha University |
jp |
Tokushima Bunri University |
jp |
Tokushima University |
jp |
Tokyo Ariake University of Medical and Health Sciences |
jp |
Tokyo Christian University |
jp |
Tokyo City University |
jp |
Tokyo College of Music |
jp |
Tokyo Denki University |
jp |
Tokyo Dental College |
jp |
Tokyo Fuji University |
jp |
Tokyo Future University |
jp |
Tokyo Gakugei University |
jp |
Tokyo Healthcare University |
jp |
Tokyo Institute of Technology |
jp |
Tokyo International University |
jp |
Tokyo Junshin University |
jp |
Tokyo Kasei Gakuin University |
jp |
Tokyo Kasei University |
jp |
Tokyo Keizai University |
jp |
Tokyo Medical and Dental University |
jp |
Tokyo Medical University |
jp |
Tokyo Metropolitan University |
jp |
Tokyo Polytechnic University |
jp |
Tokyo Seiei College |
jp |
Tokyo Seitoku University |
jp |
Tokyo Union Theological Seminary |
jp |
Tokyo University of Agriculture |
jp |
Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology |
jp |
Tokyo University of Foreign Studies |
jp |
Tokyo University of Information Sciences |
jp |
Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology |
jp |
Tokyo University of Pharmacy and Life Sciences |
jp |
Tokyo University of Science |
jp |
Tokyo University of Social Welfare |
jp |
Tokyo University of Technology |
jp |
Tokyo University of the Arts |
jp |
Tokyo Woman's Christian University |
jp |
Tokyo Women's College of Physical Education |
jp |
Tokyo Women's Medical University |
jp |
Tokyo Zokei University |
jp |
Tolo-e-Aftab Institute of Higher Education |
af |
Tomori Pál Foiskola |
hu |
Tomsk Polytechnic University |
ru |
Tomsk State Pedagogical University |
ru |
Tomsk State University |
ru |
Tomsk State University of Architecture and Building |
ru |
Tomsk State University of Control Systems and Radioelectronics |
ru |
Tonghua Normal University |
cn |
Tongji University |
cn |
Tongling University |
cn |
Tongmyung University |
kr |
Tongren University |
cn |
Toronto Metropolitan University |
ca |
Toros Üniversitesi |
tr |
Torrens University Australia |
au |
Toshkent Arxitektura-Qurilish Universiteti |
uz |
Toshkent Davlat Agrar Universiteti |
uz |
Toshkent Davlat Iqtisodiyot Universiteti |
uz |
Toshkent Davlat Pedagogika Universiteti |
uz |
Toshkent Davlat Sharqshunoslik Universiteti |
uz |
Toshkent Davlat Stomatologiya Instituti |
uz |
Toshkent Davlat Texnika Universiteti |
uz |
Toshkent davlat transport universiteti |
uz |
Toshkent Davlat Yuridik Universiteti |
uz |
Toshkent Farmatsevtika Instituti |
uz |
Toshkent irrigatsiya va qishloq xo'jaligini mexanizatsiyalash muhandislari instituti |
uz |
Toshkent Kimyo-Texnologiya Instituti |
uz |
Toshkent Moliya Instituti |
uz |
Toshkent Pediatriya Tibbiyot Instituti |
uz |
Toshkent Shahridagi Inha Universiteti |
uz |
Toshkent Shahridagi Singapur Menejmentni Rivojlantirish Instituti |
uz |
Toshkent Shahridagi Turin Politexnika Universiteti |
uz |
Toshkent Shahridagi Xalqaro Vestminster Universiteti |
uz |
Toshkent Tibbiyot Akademiyasi |
uz |
Toshkent To'qimachilik va Yengil Sanoat Instituti |
uz |
Toshkent viloyati chirchiq davlat pedagogika instituti |
uz |
Toshkentagi M. V. Lomonosov nomidagi Moskva Davlat Universiteti |
uz |
Tottori College of Nursing |
jp |
Tottori University |
jp |
Tottori University of Environmental Studies |
jp |
Tougaloo College |
us |
Toulouse Business School |
fr |
Touro University |
us |
Touro University Berlin |
de |
Touro University California |
us |
Towson University |
us |
Toyama Prefectural University |
jp |
Toyama University of International Studies |
jp |
Toyo Eiwa University |
jp |
Toyo Gakuen University |
jp |
Toyo University |
jp |
Toyohashi Sozo University |
jp |
Toyohashi University of Technology |
jp |
Toyota Technological Institute |
jp |
Trakia University |
bg |
Trakya Üniversitesi |
tr |
Trans-Africa Christian University |
zm |
Transbaikal State University |
ru |
Transporta un sakaru instituts |
lv |
TransWorld University |
tw |
Transylvania University |
us |
Trencianska Univerzita Alexandra Dubceka v Trencíne |
sk |
Trent University |
ca |
Trevecca Nazarene University |
us |
Tribhuvan University |
np |
Trine University |
us |
Trinity Bible College |
us |
Trinity Christian College |
us |
Trinity College |
us |
Trinity College Dublin, University of Dublin |
ie |
Trinity College of Florida |
us |
Trinity College of Nursing & Health Sciences |
us |
Trinity International University |
us |
Trinity Laban Conservatoire of Music and Dance |
gb |
Trinity University |
us |
Trinity University of Asia |
ph |
Trinity University, Zambia |
zm |
Trinity Washington University |
us |
Trinity Western University |
ca |
Tripura University |
in |
Tri-State Bible College |
us |
Trnavská univerzita v Trnave |
sk |
Trocaire College |
us |
Troy University |
us |
Truett McConnell University |
us |
Truman Bodden Law School |
ky |
Truman State University |
us |
Tsetsee Goun Institute of Management |
mn |
Tshwane University of Technology |
za |
Tsinghua University |
cn |
Tsuda University |
jp |
Tsukuba Gakuin University |
jp |
Tsukuba International University |
jp |
Tsukuba University of Technology |
jp |
Tsuru University |
jp |
Tsuruga Nursing University |
jp |
Tsurumi University |
jp |
Tufts University |
us |
Tula State Pedagogical University |
ru |
Tula State University |
ru |
Tulane University |
us |
Tumaini University Makumira |
tz |
Tumkur University |
in |
Tung Fang Design of University |
tw |
Tunghai University |
tw |
Tungnan University |
tw |
Tunisia Tech University |
tn |
Turan International University |
uz |
Turan University |
kz |
Turan-Astana University |
kz |
Türk Hava Kurumu Üniversitesi |
tr |
Türk-Alman Üniversitesi |
tr |
Turkestan Institute of Higher Education |
af |
Turkmen Agricultural University |
tm |
Turkmen National Conservatory |
tm |
Turkmen State Institute of Architecture and Construction |
tm |
Turkmen State Institute of Culture |
tm |
Turkmen State Institute of Economics and Management |
tm |
Turkmen State Institute of Finance |
tm |
Turkmen State Medical University |
tm |
Turkmen State Pedagogical Institute |
tm |
Turun ammattikorkeakoulu |
fi |
Turun yliopisto |
fi |
Tusculum University |
us |
Tushee Institute |
mn |
Tuskegee University |
us |
Tver State Medical University |
ru |
Tver State Technical University |
ru |
Tver State University |
ru |
Twin Palm Leadership University |
zm |
Tyumen State Agricultural Academy |
ru |
Tyva State University |
ru |
Tzu Chi University |
tw |
Tzu Chi University of Science and Technology |
tw |