Student Loan is a type of financial aid that must be repaid, often with interest, after a student graduates or leaves school.
Long definition: A student loan is a financial instrument designed to provide funding to students for their higher education expenses. It is a type of loan specifically intended to cover costs such as tuition fees, textbooks, living expenses and other educational necessities. Student loans can be obtained from government agencies or private financial institutions and they typically come with varying interest rates and repayment terms. These loans are expected to be repaid by the borrower, often after the student completes their education or leaves school.
Etymology: The term loan has origins in Middle English, from the Old Norse word "lán", meaning "something lent". In the context of education, it signifies the financial assistance provided to students for educational purposes.
Synonyms or related academic terms:
Examples of Use:
Spanish: Préstamo Estudiantil
French: Prêt Étudiant
German: Studiendarlehen
Italian: Prestito Studentesco
Portuguese: Empréstimo Estudantil
Japanese: 学生ローン (Gakusei Rōn)
Chinese (Simplified): 学生贷款 (Xuéshēng Dàikuǎn)
Hindi: छात्र ऋण (Chhatra Ṛṇ)
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