Higher Education / University Glossary


What does the academic term Commencement mean in higher education?


Commencement definition

Short Definition

Commencement is a ceremony to mark the completion of a degree program and the awarding of degrees to graduating students.

In-depth Overview


Long definition: Commencement is a formal ceremony held by educational institutions, such as universities and colleges, to celebrate and confer academic degrees and diplomas upon graduating students. It marks the culmination of their academic journey and the beginning of new opportunities in their lives.

Etymology: The term "commencement" comes from the Latin word "cominitium", which means a beginning or start. It signifies the commencement of graduates' professional or post-academic lives.

Synonyms or related academic terms: "Graduation", "Convocation", "Graduation Ceremony".

Examples of Use:

  • The university's commencement ceremony will take place on June 15th at the main campus.
  • She attended her daughter's commencement to see her receive her bachelor's degree.

Spanish: Graduación
French: Remise des diplômes
German: Abschlussfeier
Italian: Cerimonia di laurea
Portuguese: Formatura
Japanese: 卒業式 (Sotsugyōshiki)
Chinese (Simplified): 毕业典礼 (Bìyè Diǎnlǐ)
Hindi: समापन (Samaapan)

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Miscellaneous higher education terms > University academic terms

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