Assessment is the process of evaluating learning outcomes to determine the effectiveness of educational programs. It can be formative or summative and includes a variety of methods such as tests, projects, and portfolios.
Long definition: Assessment, in the context of higher education, encompasses a range of activities aimed at understanding and enhancing the quality of education. It involves the collection and analysis of data related to student learning, teaching effectiveness, curriculum alignment and institutional performance. Assessment methods include exams, assignments, surveys, peer evaluations and institutional reviews. The results of assessment are used to inform educational practices, ensure compliance with accreditation standards and support evidence-based decision-making for continuous improvement.
Etymology: The term "assessment" traces its origins to the Latin word "assessus", which means "to sit beside" or "to determine the value of". In education, assessment involves educators and stakeholders sitting beside students to evaluate their progress and educational value.
Synonyms or related academic terms:Visitors interested in exploring assessment practices in higher education and their impact on learning and institutional improvement can use the uniRank World Universities Search Engine to access information about assessment strategies at various universities and colleges.
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