Articulation Agreement means an agreement between two educational institutions outlining the transfer of credits between them, typically between a community college and a four-year institution.
Long definition: An articulation agreement is a documented agreement between educational institutions, such as community colleges and four-year universities, designed to streamline the transfer process for students. These agreements specify which courses at the originating institution are equivalent to those at the receiving institution, ensuring that students who complete specific coursework can seamlessly transfer and continue their education without loss of credit. Articulation agreements are beneficial for students seeking to transition from two-year to four-year institutions or between universities with different academic systems.
Etymology: The term "articulation" in this context refers to the clear and coordinated connection between educational institutions, allowing for the smooth progression of students from one institution to another while maintaining the integrity and quality of their education.
Synonyms or related academic terms:Visitors interested in exploring specific articulation agreements between universities or colleges can use the uniRank World Universities Search Engine to find institutions with established transfer pathways and access detailed information about these agreements.
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